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This version is for violin and chamber orchestra.

Melusina Calls to the Loon

Instrumentation: Violin and Chamber Orchestra
Duration: 11 minutes
Commissioned by: Isle Royale National Park as part of the 1999 Artist Residency

Melusina Calls to the Loon was originally composed for solo violin  as part of an 1999 artist residency at Isle Royale National Park. I later orchestrated it for violin and chamber orchestra.  I was living in Chicago at the time and was overwhelmed by the beauty of the sights and sounds all around me. My intention was to translate through music my experience at the Park. Each night walking from my cabin I would hear the calls of the loons, the chattering of squirrels and bird songs and the motion of Lake Superior. I imagined a conversation between a mermaid and a loon  calling back and forth in the dark. From this conversation Melusina Calls to the Loon was created.